Daily Boats

Special vessels for sale

Special vessels for sale

Look through an extensive assortment of special vessels for sale in your area, review the boat details, compare prices, and uncover the best special vessels offers

Collingwood Expedition Ship
51.82 m
Class: Special vessels
Atlantic 40

2000 Atlantic 40 for sale


Lake Jesup
Florida, United States of America
12.19 m
Class: Special vessels
  • Special vessels




    Buy special vessels

    DailyBoats.com lists special vessels for sale at varying price range, from $292,236 for the more basic models to $2,627,035 for the most expensive. These yachts can range in size from 12.19 m to 51.82 m and the oldest one was built in 1966. This page highlights Collingwood and Atlantic boats located in Tanzania and United States of America. To buy special vessels near you, use the search filter.

    Special vessels

    A special vessel is a type of watercraft that is used for a specific purpose or in a specific environment. There are many different types of special vessels, including those used for fishing, transportation, and recreation. Special vessels have a long history, with early examples dating back to ancient times. Today, modern special vessels are used all over the world for a variety of purposes.

    Special vessels play an important role in our world today. They provide us with a way to travel, fish, and enjoy the outdoors. With so many different types of special vessels available, there is sure to be one that meets your needs. So get out there and explore the world on a special vessel.