Schooners Schooner 160 invader for sale
Schooners Schooner 160 invader for sale
Check out the wide selection of schooners Schooner 160 invader for sale in your area available for sale in your region, explore the details provided for each boat, compare prices, and discover the most advantageous schooners Schooner 160 invader deals

160.56 ft
Class: Schooners
Buy schooners Schooner 160 invader offers a selection of schooners Schooner 160 invader for sale , with prices ranging from £3,633,457 for basic models to £3,633,457 for the most expensive. These yachts come in a range of sizes, ranging from 160.56 ft to 160.56 ft, with the oldest one built in 1905. This page showcases Schooner boats located in French Polynesia. To buy schooners Schooner 160 invader near you, use the search filter.